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Our Accommodations

Our Accommodations

Here are some photos of the house where we are staying. I plan to add more photos of the interior and neighbourhood later. For now, this is the lovely yard:

The School

Here’s a little video of the school I’m attending. Throughout the year it is a Spanish language school and folks come from all over the world to learn Spanish. My school uses the classrooms and grounds here for our program. I can think of a lot worse places to be for...
Rosita’s House

Rosita’s House

Rosita is the matriarch of the family that runs the language school and the guest homes. We have our big meal of the day (comida), here at her house.
Evening on the Zocalo

Evening on the Zocalo

Last night we walked the 4 kilometers or so to el Centro (downtown). Walking in Cuernavaca is better described as hiking. The sidewalks are very narrow and in some places, dangerously uneven. Homes that have driveways construct sharply inclined cement ramps that spill...
Buenos Dias From Mexico

Buenos Dias From Mexico

Woke up this morning and there was no water in the house. My room mate mentioned that the valve to the downstairs bathroom toilet had been shut off so after testing all of the other taps in the house (kitchen etc.) we turned on the valve to that toilet and wouldn’t...
Am I Dreaming?

Am I Dreaming?

My bladder always wakes me up at 4am. This morning when I woke up for the first 5 seconds, I didn’t know where I was. One more second to realize I was not at home and another full second to realize that I wasn’t even in the same country. I heard a dog barking outside...