by bZar | Jul 24, 2008 | Environment
The emerald ash borer has done some major damage to trees here in southwestern Ontario. I’ve read that 20 million trees are infested and will be killed by this invasive, alien species. Just last week a crew from the township was in our area identifying trees to be...
by bZar | Jul 22, 2008 | Environment
Recently the township circulated a letter to area residents informing us that they were holding a zoning meeting to consider the re-zoning of the agricultural land around us to allow wind farms to be installed. I have no problems with having wind turbines in my area....
by bZar | Mar 28, 2008 | Environment
This is such a small thing to do and not inconvenient at all so let’s just have fun with it. Tomorrow, March 29th at 8pm, just turn your lights out for an...
by bZar | Jan 16, 2006 | Environment
I’m reading an article titled, The American Empire Meets Peak Oil, in the latest issue of Canadian Dimensions magazine and I’m getting depressed. The article explains how the British Empire’s economic expansion, and I would imagine the Industrial Revolution, was...