The emerald ash borer has done some major damage to trees here in southwestern Ontario. I’ve read that 20 million trees are infested and will be killed by this invasive, alien species.
Just last week a crew from the township was in our area identifying trees to be scheduled for removal. Sadly, the big ash tree in the front of our house is one they have tagged. No word yet on when the cutting crews will arrive but we’re not happy that we will be loosing such a beautiful tree and one which provides us with afternoon shade.
There is a small wood lot at the end of our lane where Lise does her bird watching. A family of red-headed woodpeckers lives in one of the ash trees in this wood lot and this tree is one of the ones marked for removal. On our stroll last night I must have counted 15 trees that have been tagged. Hard to believe that something smaller than a penny can do such damage.