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Was: Retail Therapy Now: When Does This End?

So, Lise and I are in Ottawa and saw my mom this morning. We stayed and fed her lunch then left the hospital to go have lunch ourselves. We had planned to have lunch, stop in to the Governor General’s place and maybe find a mall for some retail therapy. Then back to...

True Crime

The very first true crime story I ever read was the story of Steven Truscott. I was 14 years old and was horrified to learn that he was the same as age me when he was found guilty of murdering 12 year old Lynn Harper and given the death penalty. Steven was the...
What Are They Doing?

What Are They Doing?

There is a scene in the movie City of Angels where you see all the angels in long black trench coats gazing off into the sunrise. It’s really quite a beautiful and haunting scene and one which immediately came to mind this morning as I drove to work and saw...

Plan B

Well, since it was raining and I was determined to get out and play with my new camera we decided to head out to Colasanti’s. It was close to lunchtime so we drove to Leamington first to have lunch. We stopped at a diner right near the dock for the ferry to Pelee...

Shhh, Don’t Tell Anyone

I like to think that I’m not the only person who has guilty indulgences. I’m not talking about something like chocolate or new shoes. I’m talking about liking things that your friends may think you wouldn’t like. For example, Lise teases me because I like old school...