by bZar | Oct 28, 2007 | Childhood Memories
Today, October 26th is my mom’s birthday and she sits in an Ottawa hospital awaiting placement in a nursing home. She’s recovered well from her stroke but remains disoriented and confused. As time goes on, she will become more confused and remember even less. She has...
by bZar | Oct 17, 2007 | Childhood Memories
Since birthdays are a time of reflection, I thought I’d share some photos of my past birthdays. Here I am with my mom. This was taken not long after we came home to our apartment on Coster Street from St Francis Hospital in the Bronx.Mom was 33 when she had me and I...
by bZar | Sep 22, 2007 | Childhood Memories
Whirl, whirl twist and twirl. Jump around like a flying squirrel. It’s Saturday morning and time for a cartoon. This cross-dressing rabbit was one of my favourites growing up. Bugs is my hero! (grin) Enjoy. Hillbilly Hare
by bZar | Aug 18, 2007 | Childhood Memories
Feeling rather nostalgic these days. It’s a beautiful Saturday morning here and I’m sitting on the patio enjoying the sound of the doves and drinking my coffee. This is a weekend morning ritual for me but many years ago my Saturday morning ritual was a bowl of Sugar...
by bZar | Jun 11, 2006 | Childhood Memories
This is what most people remember when they think of Albert Einstein – the perfect caracature of the ‘mad scientist’. Albert, along with Madame Currie and Louis Pasteur were childhood heroes of mine. While other kids swooned over rock stars and movie idols, I’d spend...
by bZar | Apr 13, 2006 | Childhood Memories
Forty years ago this Easter I was convinced my mom had won the Irish Sweepstakes. I didn’t know it at the time but the only way you could get Irish Sweepstakes tickets was on the black market. Mom had been buying them from “a friend of a friend” for years and she’d...