Last year, in my blog post Speak your mind even if your voice shakes, I wrote about an incident that happened at Pride where the emcee made a comment in reference to a Black performer about “not seeing colour”. I received a couple negative comments in response to that post and couldn’t help but think of that incident and the responses I received here when I heard an interview of Nigerian writer, Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, on this morning’s The Current on CBC radio.
Towards the end of the interview she speaks about her experience of coming to study in the US. When asked if she was surprised by the evidence of institutional racism in the US she said it was eye-opening for her. She said that she didn’t know she was Black until she moved to the US and that living in the US means knowing that one is Black and that Blackness comes with so much baggage. She goes on to say that she believes that America’s approach to race and class isn’t honest, that there is a myth that everything is alright. She says that the myth that we live in a colour-blind society is a lie and that we shouldn’t pretend that race doesn’t matter. Hmm, looks like I’m not the only person who feels that way. You can listen to her interview by clicking here. You will need Real Player installed on your computer to listen to that file.******
Today, October 24th, is Take Back Your Time Day. Take Back Your Time Day is a project organized by an alliance of academics called the Simplicity Forum and members of Cornell University’s Center for Religion, Ethics and Social Policy.
From the website at
TAKE BACK YOUR TIME is a major U.S./Canadian initiative to challenge the epidemic of overwork, over-scheduling and time famine that now threatens our health, our families and relationships, our communities and our environment.
Some of their mottos are – More time, less stuff. Time is a Family Value and Medieval peasants worked less than you do.